Itinerary Details
Abercrombie & Kent: Alaska: Wilderness & Wildlife
DAY 1 Fairbanks, Alaska
Arrive in Fairbanks, nicknamed the Golden Heart City,where you are met and privately transferred to your hotel.Tonight, enjoy a reception and welcome dinner.
Pike's Waterfront Lodge
Meals: Dinner
DAY 2 FairbanksStart your day with a guided tour of historic Fairbanks, andthen board a small plane for a sightseeing flight (weatherpermitting) that carries you over the majestic Brooks Rangeto a landing above the Arctic Circle. Visit the far-flungoutpost of Wiseman with a local guide and learn more aboutthe Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Koyukuk River, a tributaryof the mighty Yukon River. Return to Fairbanks for anevening at your leisure.
Pike's Waterfront Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
DAY 3 TalkeetnaJourney overland through breathtaking scenery to DenaliNational Park. Take in the Denali Visitor Center beforetransferring to the train depot, where it’s “all aboard” adeluxe dome railcar. Get underway, gazing out spaciouswindows at the verdant wilderness. Savor lunch on board as you absorb the passing vistas of Denali’s pristine forests andsnow-capped peaks. Arrive in Talkeetna, a quirky villageset at the confluence of three rivers, and transfer to yourhotel. Tonight, gather with your fellow guests for a ScenicSundowner, relaxing with drink in hand as you experiencethe Land of the Midnight Sun.
Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 4 TalkeetnaThis morning, embark by jetboat on a thrilling excursioninto the heart of the wilderness, going ashore to hike to anauthentic trapper’s cabin, learning local folklore as you go.Afterward, return to the hotel with time to rest and relax.This afternoon, board an airplane for a flightseeing adventureto the remote western end of Denali National Park, takingin marvelous views of Denali as well as Mount Forakerand Mount Hunter. Weather permitting, land on the slopesof Denali and step out onto a glacier for an exhilaratingwilderness experience. Return to your lodge for an eveningat leisure.
Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge
Meals: Breakfast
DAY 5 AnchorageStart the day with a visit to the kennels of Iditarod championDallas Seavey’s family in Talkeetna. Go up close withmembers of their Alaskan husky sled-dog teams. Afterward,drive to Anchorage for lunch, followed by a visit to theAnchorage Museum, where you can explore the diverseAlaska Native cultures through their art and design. Then, set out on a scenic drive to Girdwood, set at the base of MountAlyeska.
Alyeska Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 6 Kenai PeninsulaBoard a boat to cruise the dramatic glacier and marinewildlife country of Prince William Sound. Spy calvingglaciers, watch for whales and sea lions, and look overheadfor a soaring bald eagle. Return to your hotel in the lateafternoon for dinner on your own at any of the restaurants atthe hotel or in nearby Girdwood.
Alyeska Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
DAY 7 Mount AlyeskaToday, ride the Scenic Alyeska Tram from sea level up to2,300 feet for a short hike with spectacular views of therugged surrounding landscapes. Later this morning, setout for the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, whereyou enjoy visiting with the native Alaskan species beingrehabilitated there, including bison, moose and grizzlybears. Tonight, celebrate your Alaskan journey with a specialfarewell dinner, meeting with the chef for an engaging Chef ’sTable experience.
Hotel Captain Cook
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
DAY 8 AnchorageTransfer to the Anchorage airport and depart.
Meals: Breakfast